Obstaraná technika, koše, lavičky a informačné tabule na SK-UA hranicu
20/04/2017 - International conference - Project Closing Conference: Sharing know - how for better management of the Schengen Border between Slovakia / Ukraine and Norway / Russia
09-13/04/2017 - Odborné školenie - Manažment hraníc V.
03-07/04/2017 - Odborné školenie - Manažment hraníc IV.
04-06/04/2017 - International workshop - Comparing Schengen Borderlands: Experiences from Slovakia - Ukraine and Norway - Russia
Co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the State budget of the Slovak Republic. Program SK08 - Cezhraničná spolupráca: „Slovensko – Ukrajina: Spolupráca naprieč hranicou“ – „Slovakia – Ukraine: Cooperation across the Border“